Spoilers at the bottom has a way to get all 3 items. Please note: to switch from the CRAFT to non-crafting versions, or vice versa, you must first strip Dogmeat naked so he's the normal unarmored unpacked dog. : Try out different dog Furs made by Watersmoon, compatible with this mod! Dogmeat and other textures *****Texture problems?***** Try Archive Invalidation Invalidated Crafting version REQUIRES the CRAFT) mod. Now also has packs, dog whistle, sneak/non-aggressive mode, and assignable home (instead of just vault 101). 2 versions: one where you craft the armor, one where you buy it. It can be put on or removed from him in-game through dialog. Leather piecemeal scrap armor, in wasteland style, for Dogmeat.
Possible compatibility patch for Phalanx. Full compliance with Broken Steel "Puppies!" perk. Compatibility patch for Wasteland Whisperer. Changing parts of the dogs to a template system to better support compatibility patches with other mods. Separating the CRAFTing system into an optional plugin to simplify maintaining the mod. Optional different (smaller/more sleek) packs mesh.
Finish implementing support for multiple wearables for Dogmeat. Rewrite of all the underlying scripting to use a simplified system of a token to track current Dog version. WIP: Major re-write / 2.0 A few weeks out. Fixed the bug where Sneak mode would override the Wait command. Added a 200 pound weight limit to his inventory.
FINALLY added Voice to his new dialog and to armored/pack dog. Fixed the BIG bug where he goes hostile on any hit!!!. Companion Commander - COCOA by vivanto (used to be "companion rectangle") now has a Dogmeat Leather Armor compatibility patch.įixed bug in no-crafting version only where dialog to add armor/packs wasn't present.įixed bug in no-crafting version only where schematics instead of items were given to vendors.įixed bug with 1.8.1 pack mesh wrong path.įixed a bug with 1.8 where dog inventory from pre-1.8 was not on the dog. Rain the windflower did a great job implementing all those features. Can be used alongside Dogmeat Leather Armor. (no actual file updates, just a some news) Toned down health and damage gained per level. Re-coded the back-end scripting from scratch it can now accomodate any number of armors (in 3 "slots", armor (leather, vaultsuit, radsuit, naked) pack (pack, naked) collar (scarf, naked), can add more to each slot quite easily. This will cancel Wait mode and Sneak mode, plus if you fire him (told him to go home/vault 101), it will re-hire him if within the same cell or within 10000 units outside. Gave him a non-aggressive "sneak" mode (though he isn't terribly stealthy, he will hang back from you and not attack until attacked first). Can also reset it to V101, or set again any time. Made his "home" assignable (instead of going to Vault 101) it will be set wherever you are when you set it. They can be used with armor, or without armor.